Happy New Year!
I have tried to write an update several times over the last few weeks, but have always come to a stuttering halt around the second paragraph. Not being a writer, I can hardly call it writers block so I've gone with bloggers block - although that does have the disadvantage of sounding like a drainage issue.
I think the main reason I have been struggling to write anything is that I have been, to put it mildly, fecking knackered. I don't know what they put in anaesthetics these days but whatever it is did something to H's sleep pattern that I am only now breaking him out of. I'm not a superstitious person, but I did go hug a tree on typing that. Please God let me not have put the clappers on it!
Christmas is always a busy time in our house. Aside from the general merriment of the season it is my elder son's birthday just before new year so he has been doubly excited and Mr CD and I have been doubly busy.
H is now completely healed - a little red but it just looks like he has a cold. His lip has now started to hitch up slightly so we are trying to massage his lip daily to break down the scar tissue. This has turned out to be a lot trickier than I had expected. You need to make small circular motions rubbing down the scar line, pressing firmly. This is all well and good in theory, but the scar is smaller than the finger you are using to rub it so you find your finger falling off the lip before you've done much rubbing at all. Add to that a baby who does NOT want to have his face touched in that way and it's like trying to put a wetsuit on an octopus.
The other big change is that we have started weaning. This is not going so well. We have been trying twice a day and used various food and textures but he still isn't keen. I think he quite likes the food but doesn't like the spoon. I know that sounds mad, but once the food is in his mouth hes quite happy, but when that spoon gets near him its like trying to force a snorkel into the wetsuited octopus's mouth. It doesn't matter what spoon I use, he isn't having any of it. A couple of other parents have suggested 'baby led weaning'. I'll be honest I'm not entirely sure what that is, but the look of horror on my friend's face when she mentioned it means that I know I'm not going to like it. I am seeing our Cleft Nurse next week so I'll talk it through with her.
I am trying not to get too disheartened with the weaning. We've only been trying for a few days and H is only 21 weeks. As much as I believe you shouldn't compare your children, my elder child was so ready to go onto solids at 6 months that he picked it up fairly quickly. I am also aware of time looming. I had aimed to get him pretty much weaned by February half term as his next operation is due around March. I think the 'deadline' is weighing on my mind, even though its a self imposed. Its as much about managing my own expectations as anything else.
Keep an eye on facebook and twitter for weaning updates. I am also now on instagram @Cleft_Diary.
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