Friday, 25 November 2016


Tuesday of this week was an important day in our house in a couple of respects. Firstly it was my brothers birthday, but before you go thinking how lovely it is that I hold that day in such esteem you should know its less about the anniversary of his impinging on my status as only child, and more about that now it's out of the way I am allowed to get excited for Christmas. More importantly however, at least for the purposes of this blog, it marks 2 weeks until H's operation.

I genuinely cannot believe how quickly this has come around. The last 15 weeks have been a blur and I cant quite believe we have already passed on the first batch of clothes to pregnant friends. The rocking crib is up for sale, and H's personality is shining through. He is a very smiley boy and loves to play and be sung to. He has also started giggling over the last couple of weeks which is lovely, although he mainly giggles for his dad. His dad says its because he is funnier. I say its because he looks funnier.

The reflux has once again settled. He still has some but not so much he can't deal with it. He is back on the higher dose of Gaviscon and seems to be coping with it well although we do have laxatives on standby just in case.

Thank you for all your lovely messages wishing me well for my PND and my husband well for my constant singing of Evita. That particular obsession only lasted 5 days by which time I think Mr CleftDiary was ready to beat Andrew Lloyd-Webber with a hammer - moods are funny thing. I went from there to another obsession which needed headphones as it involved swearing. This had the added benefit of being much quieter. I am fine though, I caught it early and am feeling back to my normal(?) self.


Well ok, moving on!

If you 'like' the page on facebook (and if not, why not!) you will have seen that last week was full of appointments. On Tuesday H had a scan on his kidneys, this involved having some dye injected through a cannula in his hand. Despite the nurses insistence that H would scream but it would be ok, he barely woke up. He was, however, wide awake while being scanned. This could have been an issue as he had to be very still for them to get the information they needed. He was brilliant though and stayed as still as you could possibly expect a baby to be. This made him the darling of the department as you can imagine.

Wednesday saw a return to BCH for the cleft clinic and pre-op. We were given plenty of information about what to bring, where to go and what would happen on the day. After the appointment we went and had a good nosey around. We found the play and admission centre and had a look around. It has an outdoor area, loads of toys, a sensory room and some games consoles, which Mr CleftDiary had to be steered away from. For my part, I had to be steered away by Mr CleftDiary from the Gruffalo statues. He was immune to my insistence that they would look great in the garden.

Although Wednesday was a little full of information, I think I have at least got the essentials of what I need to take with me. Mr CD has requested hospital accommodation so he can be on hand overnight which he will hopefully get but if we don't we know its because there are people who need it more than we do. Other than that I am trying not to think about it too much, other than getting as much Christmas shopping (or 'elfing' as we call it when in earshot of our oldest) done as possible. If the last 15 weeks has flown, the next 4 will do so even more.

I am considering live tweeting on the day of the operation (subject to the usual conditions of remembering and not being a complete mess on the day). It may have the downside of spamming your facebook/twitter page for the day, but the upside of giving me something to do. Let me know your thoughts.

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